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Data Analysis
Data Visualization
Data Management
Project Management
Marketing & Design


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Last updated on 2020-02-28.


Ricky Duran

I am a current Master of Public Policy (MPP) Candidate with a strong interest in Data Sciences in Public Service. I have always been intrueged by data, and the stories it is capapble of telling us about the communities we study. With experience working across a diverse variety of sectors, I possess a broad and well versed understanding of how programs affect the communities for which they are implimented.

My goal is to make a substantial contribution to by community by helping to tell the stories of our community data, and helping decision makers may well-infromed decisions for their communities.


MPP Candidate, Public Policy

Arizona State University

Phoenix, AZ

2021 - 2019

Concentation: Data Analysis and Program Evaluation

  • Capstone Project: A Spatial Analysis of WIOA Qualified Youth in the City of Phoenix by PUMA

BS, Biology, Conservation Biology & Ecological Sustainability

Arizona State University

Tempe, AZ

2011 - 2009

Concentation: Spatial Analysis and Population Dynamics

  • Thesis Project: Population dynamics and growth patterns of reintroduced Gunnison<U+0092>s prairie dog colonies at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, and their impact on the pre-existing vegetative community

Data & Research Experience

Data Analyst, Workforce Development

City of Phoenix

Phoenix, AZ

Present - Mar. ’20

As the Data Analyst for the City of Phoenix Workforce Development Department, I managed all Data project and reporting for the devision.

  • Developed reports and visualizations to communicate organizational performance to diverse stakeholder audiences
  • Used performance reporting to advise best practices in promotion and outreach of youth opportunities
  • Developed marketing to communicate WIOA requirements and processes to youth
  • Managed the development of CRM systems to track reengagement process

Program Evaluation Consultant

Franciscan Renewal Center

Scottsdale, AZ

Present - Aug. ’20

In this role, I am using data analysis to help the Franciscan Renewal Center evaluate the programs offered to community members and visitors to the faith community.

  • Develop program evaluation and reporting processes for sharing relevant information with key organizational stakeholders
  • Review program processes, to determine relevant data points for evaluation
  • Examine existing data and suggest supplemental data for significant analyses

Data and Marketing Specialist

Opportunities for Youth

Phoenix, AZ

Mar. ’20 - June ’18

As part of the Opportunities for Youth (OFY) initiative at ASU Watts College I managed marketing and technological efforts for the collaborative, whose goal is to connect youth with resources and opportunities for success.

  • Developed reports and visualizations to communicate organizational performance to diverse stakeholder audiences
  • Used performance reporting to advise best practices in promotion and outreach of youth opportunities
  • Developed marketing to communicate WIOA requirements and processes to youth
  • Managed the development of CRM systems to track reengagement process

Research Specialist

Sevilleta Ecological Research, via UNM

Albuquerque, NM

July ’14 - Jan. ’10

At Sevilleta LTER, I worked on part of a team that studied population dynamics and trends of reintroduced prairie dog colonies at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge

  • Collected population data, and analyzed at varying levels to better understand population trends which advised the design and implementation of new colonies
  • Created reports and visualizations of data, to better tell the story of what was occurring
  • Presented research at multiple conferences, including the Ecological Society of America Annual Conference
  • Published a peer reviewed scientific article in the Journal of Wildlife Management (2014)

Additional Professional Experience

In addition to roles as a data scientist and researcher, I have have also worked as a maketer and community educator.

Program Development Consultant

Cancer Support Community Arizona

Phoenix, AZ

Dec. ’18 - Mar. ’18

Managed the development of marketing and operational processes for a community supported agriculture (CSA) program, aiming to provide free organic produce to program participants through a buy one, give one agreement with a local farm.

  • Managed the development of promotion processes to increase subscriptions to the paid CSA program and maintain a minimum participation requirement
  • Designed CSA Pick-Up experience, by determining program needs and developing volunteer roles to support those needs
  • Developed educational materials, highlighting the health and ecological benefits of sourcing produce locally

Marketing Project Manager

Knight Media Networks, Inc.

Scottsdale, AZ

Apr. ’16 - Jan. ’15

At KMNI, I managed marketing efforts for equine businesses and organizations through website design and management, brand promotion and advertisement.

  • Managed inter-departmental workflow, from sales to post-launch promotion, to ensure that projects stayed on schedule and under budget, while maintaining customer satisfaction
  • Managed accounting and operations for horseshow related marketing and visual support, reducing the average project cost by $13k in comparison to the previous year
  • Managed vendor relations and coordination to effectively communicate project needs between the internal creative team and external vendors, and to ensure that products met deadlines and quality standards
  • Developed reports to track team performance and productivity, as well as performance of client campaigns

Community Development Experience

I beleve that in involvement in one’s community helps them to be a better data scientist. Not only because it helps them to better understand its members, but because it also allows them to create solutions that are designed with those people in mind.

Data Sciences for Public Service

Focus: Developing data science resources for public and nonprofit sectors

Phoenix, AZ

Present - Apr. ’19

Working with Dr. Jesse Lecy in the ASU Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions, I have been helping to develop content for a website aimed at educating potential students on the array of career pathways they could consider in the pursue with an education in data sciences, as it relates to public service and administration.

  • Contribution: Content Contributor

Cancer Support Community Arizona

Focus: Creating Awareness and Financial Support

Phoenix, AZ

Present - Oct. ’17

The Young Professionals Council (YPC) is a group of emerging leaders, working to increase organizational awareness and financial sustainability. The teen program at Cancer Support Community Arizona is a program specific to serving the needs of teens and young adults whose lives have been impacted by cancer, through psychological and social support.

  • Contribution: Young Professionals Council Member (<U+0091>17-<U+0092>18) & Program Volunteer

AmeriCorps: Oak Creek Watershed Council

Focus: Fostering student engagement in ecological efforts in Oak Creek

Sedona, AZ

July ’14 - Jan. ’13

As an Oak Creek Ambassador, I worked in a collaborative effort between the USDA Forest Service and a local non-profit (Oak Creek Watershed Council) to educate the public on the ecological issues in the Oak Creek watershed. As part of this opportunity, I organized an ecological symposium aimed at getting more young adults involved in the environmental efforts in Oak Creek. This two-day community outreach event was organized with the intent of getting more young adults involved with sustainability efforts in Oak Creek, through education and collaboration. It consisted of field trips to popular locations in Oak Creek, an ecological symposium featuring leading experts working in Oak Creek, a fundraising mixer to continue ecological efforts, and an eco-fair for the purpose of outreach to families of the community. This event has been adopted, as a recurring annual meeting focused on bringing key stakeholders together to foster collaboration.

  • Contribution: Environmental Education & Lead Event Organizer

Franciscan Renewal Center Sustainability Committee

Focus: Creating financial sustainability through community development

Scottsdale, AZ

Feb. ’20 - Dec. ’17

The Sustainability Committee is responsible for oversite, planning, ongoing philanthropic cultivation and fundraising goals and activities at Franciscan Renewal Center. It also reviews and assesses the policy, approach and organization of major endowment and capital programming. Although our goal is to increase non-restricted funding for the organization, or focus in on building community, realizing that donors invest in people and causes, first and foremost.

  • Contribution: Committee Member

Sun Valley Solar Solutions Community Committee

Focus: Creating stronger community relations through outreach

Chandlar, AZ

Dec. ’17 - May ’16

Leading the development and implementation of the company<U+0092>s community outreach efforts, I helped to create programs intended to ensure ever-growing community relationships, and opportunities for employee engagement. Highlight achievements would include the Messner & Patzer Sustainable Energy Scholarship and Grant with the ASU School of Sustainability, an employee contribution matching program, and a record company-wide annual contribution of ~$47,000.

  • Contribution: Committee Chair

SEEDS: Strategies for Ecological Education Diversity and Sustainability

Focus: Fostering diversity in STEM fields


Aug. ’12 - Mar. ’10

As an initiative of the Ecological Society of America, we provided students of diverse backgrounds with opportunities for growth and development in STEM fields, through the creation of partnerships aimed at building valuable professional networks and foundations for academic success.

  • Contribution: Chapter Co-founder, and mentor

Selected Publications & Presentations

As a community educator, I have developed various ways to communicate with community memebers, from marketing materials and social media, to presentations and publications.

2019 Annual Report

Opportunities for Youth




2018 Annual Report

Opportunities for Youth




Opporunities for Youth Impact Report

Opportunities for Youth




The importance of Including younger generations in the decision making process for community growth and development

Franciscan Renewal Center




Legancy of the Oak Creek Watershed: Preserving our past, present, and future

Oak Creek Watershed Council




Population dynamics of reintroduced Gunnison’s prairie dogs in the southern portion of their range

Journal of Wildlife Management




What part do you play in this and other ecological efforts?

Wat’er we doing to Oak Creek Ecological Symposium




Population dynamics and growth patterns of reintroduced Gunnison<U+0092>s prairie dog colonies at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, and their impact on the pre-existing vegetative community

Ecological Society of America Annual Conference